Educational Programs for Groups and Families

The programme “Albert’s story” is an original approach to the subject of the Holocaust, part oftheMuseum’s effort for an experiential approach to learning, one that is appropriate to the children’s needs while, offering the children the opportunity to get closer to the issues involved.

The programme consists of a drama activity, the pantomime “Albert’s story” in which the children take part, which deals with the fate of a Jewish family in Thessalonica during the Holocaust. The story is based on Albert’s diary, which, in turn, has been based on the real stories of three children who lived during the Holocaust.

The pantomime is acted out on several of the Museum’s levels and aims at offering the children a glimpse of the events children of the same age as they faced during the war; also at helping them realise how easily the world around one may change and how vulnerable happiness, peace and life itself are.

Additional positive aspects of the activity are that it encourages co-operation and creative teamwork during preparation. It also helps in the development of responsibility, while, by experiencing the adventures of Albert’s family, the children have the chance to broaden their horizons and develop their perception.